My hero is not a great historian.
My hero is someone with incredible strength and courage.
My hero is someone who inspires many.
My hero is someone who endures pain daily, and still manages to go
on and even smile.
My hero is someone who may not seem beautiful, but to me is gorgeous.
My hero is someone who makes me laugh, makes me cry,
and makes me proud every minute of every day.
My hero is an EB baby, an EB child, and an EB adult.
-Brenda G. (taken from 'Living with Epidermolysis Bullosa')

For those of you who have not read Tripp's story, it is available here. He, like Tatum, suffered from EB; however, Tripp's EB was of the Junctional form, in which most children do not survive infancy. Tripp beat the odds and made it past his second birthday, but sadly lost his battle with EB on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at the age of 2 years 8 months.